Elite Photography TX
Beautiful Moments
Now Booking 2017 - Beautiful Moments

To my 2016 couples:
I think everyone at some point claims they have the best clients. But when I look at your faces side-by-side full of so much joy and love, I think I could argue with the best of them that the Elite Photography couples truly take the [wedding] cake. You all bring me so much gratitude when I think of the way that you say yes to love, service, intentionality and welcoming others in - and to how I have the pleasure of experiencing and capturing that each weekend. Looking back over the past twelve months, I sit here in disbelief. It has been an incredible honor getting to know each and every one of you! So many laughs, tears and countless memories. Exhausting and frantic, but incredible fun, and I wouldn’t have changed a thing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for inviting me into your lives and to capture such a special day! Thank you for making this business what it is and for trusting me not only as your photographer, but as your friend. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, and cheers to the most amazing year yet! You all mean the world to me!
And now, for my 2017 couples:
With 2017 here now, the countdown has begun for your big days, and I am beyond excited! As you celebrate the moments of engagement leading up to the altar, know that I'm here celebrating this season alongside you! It's a season of memories, growing together, lots of fun and preparing for a marriage that will make your heart sing! I simply can't wait for all that is in store for you! I truly believe: the best is yet to come!